Deception of the Demon Girl Read online

Page 6

  What happened next played out like I was watching a camera on the ground. The gunman she lured into the dead end of the crate maze cornered her, shocked to see the cat wasn’t there, replaced with her nakedness. He didn’t raise the rifle to shoot her, probably too busy getting excited at the sight of her breasts hanging out amongst other things, if the ‘o’ shaped mouth on his face was of any indication.

  A spinning kick from Emily knocked the rifle out from his hands, sending it spiraling into the corner. Two leaping cleaves from her burning weapons cut gashes across his chest, while the flesh around it sizzled and charred. A slash through his throat ensured nobody would hear any bloodcurdling cries as he collapsed face first. The ground beneath him turned red which quickly expanded away from his body.

  She bent over, unlatching a grenade off his belt, shifted back into her cat form, and went off running with the small explosive device in her mouth. I wasn’t able to make out what happened next as the stick was left behind. At that point, I opened my eyes, and my senses returned to my body.

  I made it to the fence, just in time to see a grenade—sans the pin—roll and tumble across the ground. It rolled behind guard number two, who was walking away from it, oblivious that he was taking his last steps in life.

  The grenade exploded, the vibrations and loud bang from the blast was felt in the air before me, and the ground below. A mangled body missing a pair of legs launched a couple of yards up from the plume of smoke and flames. His torso was a fucking mess as bits of burned and meaty chunks of human flesh came off it. Mush and pieces of bones that were once his legs came raining back down in random directions, next to the red and black mess where the patrolling man was before his explosive grand finale.

  You have no idea how hard it was to not burst out laughing, especially when his left hand landed beside me with burning smoke rising from it. The noise and sudden end of their teammate put everyone on edge at that point. The sniper stood ready, peering into his scope, the guard in the security office left and began freaking out at the pieces of his buddy making a mess of the place. Not one person suspected the stray tabby cat that darted ahead, running inside the security gate office, as its door was left open.

  The front gate slid open at that point, I got Emily’s message, get in now. The guards were too distracted to notice the gate open, let alone the demon girl PI move quickly, slipping into the security office. I found Emily inside, standing at the gate controls. She was naked, I liked it—

  She slapped me good across the face. “Don’t fucking look at me like that!”

  “I’ve seen you naked before.”

  “Back before you were a half-succubus slut,” she said. “I don’t want to know what’s going through your fucking mind.”

  “What’s going through my fucking head,” I said, taking a peek outside, looking up at the crane. “Is the sniper looking to shoot one of us.”

  “Leave that to me.”

  Emily moved her hands quickly, making the all too familiar ninjutsu mudra to change into a cat, and then left the security office. She came running back in a minute later with the guard that was in the security office chasing her, raging in Russian. I switched to the element of wind, felt the lightning flow through my body and blow my hair about. I lifted a fist at the unsuspecting guard, and thunderbolts flickered across it. My taser talent activated and hit him in the chest when my fist landed.

  I stood watching his body twitch from the electrical shock, then fall to his knees and drop his gun on the floor. He passed the fuck out, landing face first, with his back up. So, I tased his ass again, making his body twitch and jerk about; it was amusing to watch. It was amazing how much of a different woman I became when I was using elemental talents, versus my succubus stuff.

  “That’s the best I can do for now,” Emily said after she returned to her humanoid form. “Take his clothes.”

  And that I did, stripping naked, after stripping him down to his boxers. I grinned, looking up at Emily. “Now who’s looking at me?”

  “I’m keeping my eyes on the window, unlike you,” Emily grunted.

  I was dressed up in the orange coveralls the man had, adding his hard hat on my head to complete the new outfit. “How do I look?”

  Emily’s lips twisted, giving me a top to bottom examination. “Keep your face down or they’ll start asking questions.”

  Fair point, last time they checked the man wearing this outfit was a Russian man, not a Japanese woman. Speaking of Russian, words in that language were vocalizing on the radio the man had. I tossed it to Emily and asked. “What are they saying?”

  She listened in, putting the hand radio’s speaker to her cat ears upon her head. “They’re asking for an update.”

  “Spill some bullshit and keep them away from the main building.”

  Emily rambled into the hand radio, speaking Russian, and trying extremely hard to sound like a hardened mobster. I had the feeling they weren’t going to buy it.

  “I’m not sure they bought it,” she revealed.

  I gave her a nod and went for the exit. “I’ll take the shot.”

  “So will that sniper, if he knows who you are.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  I armed myself with the assault rifle the downed man had, completing my new look, and giving me an actual fucking weapon to use. I walked out, playing it cool, not showing any signs of worry when I walked into the firing range of the searching sniper on top of the crane. I kept my face down as I canceled all my magical talents and attunements. I had to look as human as possible and lightning bolts rippling off my body and arms had a tendency to make me not look like that.

  It was the walk of courage, magic wasn’t going to save me, not even my succubus stuff as its range was limited, not to mention the sniper was way the fuck out of it. Even if I got the other patrolling guards to drop their pants for me the sniper will see something’s afoot and shoot, wherever the hell the other patrolling men ran off to.

  It was the worst feeling ever, death was lurking everywhere, and all it took was one mistake on my part or someone pulling me aside to ask questions. I was convinced this was the day I was going to die, by a sniper rifle bullet to the head.

  The main building where the administrative office and warehouse were, grew closer, its front door just a minute away. I’d run if it wouldn’t give me away. Just a few more yards, then that sniper wouldn’t have shit on me. Can’t shoot what you can’t see behind walls and a ceiling.

  Screaming from behind echoed, the voices sounded Russian. The chilling feeling was like a million ants getting dumped onto the back of my neck and crawling around. I looked back and saw the remaining patrol drag the blood-soaked body of Emily’s first kill. I increased the speed of my footsteps at that point, as it’d only be a matter of time before they wondered why I didn’t come to assist them.

  Here’s hoping the sniper wouldn’t take notice of the power walking team member I was impersonating, ignoring their cries for help, and moving to slip into the main building he was not supposed to be going into.

  The door was in sight and its handle in my grasp. I turned the doorknob quickly, still expecting to eat a bullet to the head for my actions, or the fact my face wasn’t looking down.

  The warmth of the building graced my body as I exited the fall cold. The sound of the door shutting behind me was the cue I needed to stop and take a deep breath, sighing in relief. That was one ordeal taken care of, now for the next. Six men and at least one demon were about to make a lucrative deal with Giovanni, a man I was hired to find, reported missing by his mysterious sister Alice.

  Someone had some explaining to do, and my loaded assault rifle poised to be infused with elemental magic was ready to ask those questions.

  Chapter Eleven

  The time to take a stress release breather was up. It was time to move out. I walked into the small warehouse part of the main building. It was full of aging forklifts and row upon row of wooden crates.

  I moved onwa
rd, following the voices that echoed deeper in and the fading trail of Umbral energy left in the demon’s wake. My assault rifle remained forward at all times. The sound of the voices became more audible the closer I got, using the idle forklifts and boxes as cover. Lucky for me, everyone was speaking English, and they sounded pretty fucking pissed.

  I listened when I got close enough, keeping my back to a crate.

  “What fuck is going on out there?” one of the voices said.


  “No way, I made sure of that.”

  “Can we get this over with then? I lost two men, and another isn’t responding.”

  That another was probably the guy I zapped the fuck out of, the man I’m impersonating. I’m guessing Emily returned to her cat form, which would explain why she didn’t spit more bullshit over the radio. They’ll be onto me soon. I had to make this quick and then peace the fuck out. What the ‘this’ was in my plan, was something I was still figuring out. The job was to rescue Giovanni, but clearly, he doesn’t look like he needs any rescuing.

  But the demon and flowers sent from the greenhouse? Yeah, I’d really like to know how the fuck that fit into this, especially the flowers part. There’s no way the Russian Mafia would bring armed men to secure a secret shipment of roses …

  Peeking around from my cover gave me a good look at the deal going down in the center of the warehouse. The sunlight shining in from the windows above and ceiling gave it a majestic and heavenly look.

  Giovanni was front and center, pulling open a box full of, you guessed it, roses and other flowers. I was about to storm out of the building right then and there and drop the case, then I saw the rest of the deal go down. The Russian mobsters held the flowers, gave them a nod then had one of their men place a water cooler next to Giovanni. My scanning talent revealed that man to be a demon. In fact, everyone was a demon except Giovanni and the two men he was having lunch with.

  A firm hand grabbed my shoulder from behind, yanking me backward with force. There was a pistol jammed in my face by the time I looked up and saw who grabbed me. It was a patrolling guard I missed. Fuck me, my cover was about to be blown.

  My succubus lure activated, it helped keep me calm, kind of hard to panic when a young sexy stud is holding you like this. And for the gun he had? What gun? He dropped it to the floor, mesmerized by my smiling face looking up at him. I stroked the hairs on his face elegantly and then sealed the deal with a kiss laced with succubus charm.

  The only words spoken came from the men and demons making the trade, not that I cared at that point. I wanted to fuck this patrolling guard I missed right here, the inner succubus was released, and she was hot and wet for him. The patrol guard must have been eighteen, maybe nineteen, no older. It was the dessert I was looking for last night, someone young and fun to play with.

  I pushed him into the corner, it was dark and discreet. It was and a great place for a steamy quickie. My hands reached down, unbuckling his pants rapidly, we had to do this quick. My right hand entered his pants after that, played with his balls, and then stroked his stiffening dick. His boxers and pants were in the way, so I removed them, guess you could say I freed willy.

  I stopped for a moment, yeah it killed the mood, but I had a job to do.

  I wrapped my hand around his shaft and gave him a quick hand job while giving him the sloppiest open-mouthed kiss ever.

  I stopped, again. My human half was acting as the voice of reason. Now wasn’t the time to fuck, the enemy at that. I needed to get a grip, and not on his cock.

  Easier said than done, this was the dessert. I fucking needed it, so young, so inexperienced with women. The things I could teach him right now, sure he wouldn’t live to use any of it, but that wasn’t my problem. My problem was I needed to devour his arousing soul.


  The case, finishing the fucking case. That’s what I needed to do.

  My human half wanted to break free, the succubus half wasn’t going to let that happen, not while his hard dick was out and in my hand that was making rapid strokes on it. In another minute he’ll cum, I could still feed on his soul even after a hand job. It won’t be as good, but it’s a nice compromise—

  Screaming and gunfire exploded like it was the fourth of July. The racket was loud enough for me to lose focus, facing the source of the commotion. It also killed the mood, giving me just enough incentive to end the lure talent and attune to the element of earth. After that, I turned to face my target with his dick still hanging out, grabbed my rifle off the floor and bashed him in the face with the butt of it, repeatedly until he collapsed. A steady stream of thick crimson fluid gushed away at from his forehead, as his dick was still saluting me like a raised flagpole from his rest.

  My racing feet carried me into the center of the action in the warehouse, while the earthen rocks and vines of my elemental coat covered my body. My skin solidified with the protection of the stone skin talent, and the rifle I held was imbued with earth magic. What does that do to bullets? Oh, just you wait.

  I made it to the center, there was a fucking slaughter that went down, and I wasn’t invited. You might have to wait a bit longer, I was left with no choice but to lower my rifle and examine the aftermath of the carnage.

  It was hard to tell how many bodies had been there, everyone had been torn to pieces. A hand there, a foot still in its boot over there, while a dozen or so ripped in half bodies spewed gallons of blood all over the floor. There was no sign of Giovanni, wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing at this point.

  The demons the Russians brought didn’t fare well either, hell it didn’t even look like they had a chance to get any magical talents off. Whatever stormed in, came in hard and fast, survived whatever bullets were shot at them, then left with Giovanni.

  I splashed my feet through the massive puddle of blood, kneeling next to the most intact body sitting upright against the wall. He had Umbral energy leaking away from his body. He was one of the demons.

  There were pieces of vines covered in thorns wrapped around his neck and another longer one in his mouth, it came out the back of his neck through a hole it gored. It was like he was getting face fucked by someone with earth talents, and it sure as hell wasn’t me. I just got here.

  Wielding earth talents was rare, hell; it was only now I learned how to do it. There was only one demon I knew that did master that element, and I never did kill his demonic soul, only sent it back to the Umbral. Donovan. He must be back and now killing Russians and their demonic allies, it didn’t make sense at all.

  Last I checked Donovan and the Russians were planning on working together. It also wouldn’t make sense to kill his fellow demons. But that wasn’t the worrying part, oh no. The vines that killed the man below me? They didn’t radiate Umbral energy, the only source of Umbral came from the body itself, not the vines—


  I leaped back, like, half a yard.

  The demon wasn’t dead, just in a whole lot of pain.

  Chapter Twelve

  The gored demon screamed, jerking his body about, as the wounds on his body glowed a bright white color. His body went limp after two minutes. My foot gave him a nice kick in the face just to make sure he’d stay down.

  My scan talent highlighted the weird energy flowing away from the vines, they were the same energy from the rose Alice had, as with the flowers in the greenhouse. And check this out, the Umbral energy in the demon’s body was gone like some force just pushed it out. My first guess was an enchanted weapon was used, only, I didn’t see any signs of that. The demon was killed by the talents that conjured the thorn-covered vines, you can’t enchant magic.

  I heard moaning sounds come from the office and a few displaced footsteps. Someone was hurt, maybe limping about. My money was on Giovanni. I moved forward to the office, red-coated footprints appeared after my steps. My earth imbued assault rifle rose, its barrel smothered with green vines moving across it like they were alive.

  I opened
the door to the office and saw three men, none of them fit the description of Giovanni. They looked like the dock workers, only they were spitting out dark soil from their mouths, growling like beasts in the process. Huge vines wrapped around their waists and traveled across the floor into one of the washrooms. It kind of reminded me of long power cords, like the vines were feeding the men energy, I was going to guess it was the same magical energy Emily and I couldn’t identify, as I did sense a lot of it emit from the three men.

  “Hey,” I shouted to them, snapping their attention to me. “You guys … okay?”

  Don’t ask me why I asked that, because clearly, they weren’t. It was also a bad idea because once they saw me, they came rushing over to me like zombies. They were plant zombies, controlled by creepy as fuck vines coming out from the washroom, wrapping around their bodies.

  They didn’t stop when I demanded it, so I asked my assault rifle to make them do it. The muzzle flashed and ejected bullets covered in diamond, thanks to my magical imbuement of earth. Every bullet fired tore right through them, hit the wall then bounced off it only to hit them again, or hit another wall, desk, or computer.

  The office was full of ricocheting diamond bullets tearing up whatever I wanted them to, all I needed to do was sit back and watch the action unfold. Then regretted it when I saw the plant zombie men continue to limp for me. They were earth-based, and my current form wasn’t going to cut it. Fuck it, it was time to attune to fire.

  With my body burning with the flames of hell, I crossed my arms ahead of me and released a steady nonstop stream of flames from my flamethrower talent. The three zombies went into a spasm for a bit and then tumbled to the floor burning. Yeah, I kind of sent the office on fire as well. All the more reason to get out of it, I had doubts I’d find Giovanni alive here. And if I remained any longer, you could add me to that list of missing bodies when the Russians outside run into to investigate the strange fires.