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Kiss of the Demon Girl Page 18
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Page 18
Lexi’s spoon found its way into my bowl of ice cream. My thoughts blinded me from the fact she had finished, and mine was turning into a blob. She giggled as I tried to slap her hand away. The act made her happy face reappear. She made several attempts to dig into my bowl, each one resulted in laughter as I used my spoon to defend my share of ice cream from her invading spoon!
The message was loud and clear however. Finish up or she’ll finish it for me.
The radio began to play Enlightenment, a song by Lexi herself… well when she wasn’t possessed. “Our song is playing,” she said.
“Our song?” I snorted “Words like that should be reserved for people involved with each other.”
“In some way we are. Living together, doing things together, eating together.” Her dreamy eyes stayed on me as she stood up and stepped next to me to collect my empty ice cream bowl and wineglass. She brushed the tip of her index finger along the back of my neck, its cold, icy feeling massaged my brain, filling it with that strange bliss I couldn’t get enough of whenever she touched me.
My mind went blank.
When I came to, I discovered Lexi had planted her lips against mine.
My face flushed, my hands trembled, especially when her hands stroked my hips.
I was reminded of the dream once again where the two of us were about to go at it as familiar feelings of lust hijacked my brain and sent a tingling desire between my legs. I moved my head away from hers and she closed the gap again with a follow-up kiss.
I didn’t resist.
I couldn’t.
I loved it.
I needed to accept the reality of the situation. There was a reason I never forgot about the end of that dream, and that reason was because of how close our bodies had become. She was fucking gorgeous, damn near perfect body, sensual kisser, smooth skin that felt amazing when it rested upon mine. The beast within me had no objection either and was filling my head with all sorts of reasons why I should take her clothes off.
My lack of resistance encouraged her to keep our lips locked, even after I stood up. She pushed me onto the kitchen countertop and climbed up over me. The hungry succubus that was within her was let loose and I was able to feel her powers ripple throughout her body as I squeezed her upper back. Our kissing turned into tongue to tongue play. Heavy breathing sounds turned into moaning that drowned out the music that played from the radio.
The dress I wore was yanked off quickly leaving me wearing nothing but a pair of knee-high socks. Yes, I was going commando. I wasn’t going to put her undergarments on, besides we didn’t share the same bra size. She pulled my legs apart and played with me in a passionate manner. My hips moved up and down along the waves of pleasure that entered my body. I reached back and held onto the wine bottle behind me, I needed to hold onto something and brace myself for what was going to happen next.
And that something was nothing, fucking tease.
She stepped away from my body, smiling, and shed her clothing leaving her panties to drop last. Our lips again locked and engaged in a fiery bout, the surface of her tongue brushed against mine. Her hands stroked through my hair, then brushed across my neck. My hands slid down her waist and explored every inch of her figure.
Her skin and sensual touch was soft as the snowflakes that fell from the skies outside. And just like the snow that began to fall, my body fell to the surface of the countertop slowly. I pulled Lexi on top of me, I couldn’t get enough of her lips. Her kisses slowly traversed down across my neck, between my breasts and down in between my thighs.
Her succubus wings sprouted out from her back. Triggered by the excitement, our two bodies fed each other. After all, we both were women that spent years being pleased by men. Lexi, as a succubus, must have charmed hundreds of men over the thousands of years she’d been around and was forced to please others as a slave in the Umbral. And I think it was that knowledge of knowing that we both enjoyed getting thrust by men in the past made the experience that much more exciting.
“Do you trust me?” she said to me.
“I don’t have much of a choice.”
“So, if I did this…” she whispered as her body repositioned to straddle me.
“That’s fine.”
“If I asked you to help me defeat Lucifer’s forces?”
“Point me in the direction and say no more.”
“When we unlock the secrets of your katana, what will you do?”
“Share it with you.”
“What if I want someone killed?”
“I have no problems killing.”
“What if that person wasn’t a demon, or a cult member? Just someone I wanted dead.”
“I’m game for anything with you,” I teased her with my fingers.
“Then I own you?”
“And your soul?”
“All of it.”
My entire body felt rejuvenated after the adventure. The Umbral energy in my soul was at its limit, the destructive power of my talents doubled. If this was a video game, I just leveled up. I had no regrets for what I did and will not have any regrets for giving her whatever she wanted.
Defeating Lucifer, ascending her to a demon lord, world domination, bring all succubus and incubus to live on Earth. What Lexi wanted, she’ll get. My blade and I will ensure it will happen—
A loud thud hit the front door. It was loud enough to startle us as we looked at it.
A second thud hit. Panic made my heart rate change.
A third thud. Lexi used her magic to verify if the barrier was still active.
A fourth thud. I tried to remember where I left my katana.
Someone wanted in, and they didn’t sound friendly.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The front door to Lexi’s penthouse suite came off the hinges and slammed into the floor, there was no barrier stopping it from falling. Kicking down the door was one thing, but interrupting what was supposed to be mind-blowing sex between two curious girls? Someone’s gonna fucking die for that. We were caught with our pants down, correction, panties down as we weren’t wearing any pants to start with…
Lexi quickly went to get her clothes back on, with impressive speed I might add, this clearly wasn’t the first time she had to get dressed in a hurry after some smutty goodness. As for me, I didn’t give a fuck, there was no point. Lexi had tossed my dress off somewhere in the kitchen, I had no idea where it landed.
I dove down to the floor upon finding my attire that Lexi so elegantly tore off my body earlier. Then quickly rose up with it in my hands to lay my eyes upon the unwanted visitor as Lexi put the black velvet dress back on, though the zipper at the back wasn’t done up.
It was Emily, she was alive, huffing and puffing with a flushed face.
I was impressed she managed to kick in the door like that.
Emily held her twin kunai out. She shifted the blades away from my head as our eyes met and shifted toward the head of Lexi.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not here for a visit, Emily?” I asked after quickly dealing with my nakedness.
Emily’s face and aim didn’t change. “I’m just here to collect what’s owed to me. Before they take it.”
“Lucifer and his followers, they’re on their way.”
I faced Lexi and said. “I thought you said we’re safe with the barrier up.”
Lexi’s face winced. “It’s gone.”
With my nakedness taken care of, I stormed out of the kitchen and examined the front door, well what remained of it, leading into the main halls. “Can’t you put it back up?”
I saw Lexi flick her wrist at it several times, no effect, she winced more. I suspected our encounter may have had something to do with it. Maybe she lost focus, or perhaps I drained a bit of her Umbral energy, I did feel extremely topped up after the experience, but that would mean I was a succubus. Even then, that theory wouldn’t make s
ense, if anything, our leeching powers should have cancelled each other out—
We heard the elevator doors swing open from the outside hallway. Shady looking motherfuckers that didn’t look like they lived in this fancy building came out. I shuddered at the thought of what became of the lower level of the condo, they must have forced their way past security.
I darted to the corner, rearming myself with my trusty katana, as Emily’s nimble hands created four mudra hand gestures that created an explosion of flames in the air next to two of the shady men. It was like a bomb went off, their exploded bodies sans limbs lurched backward. I added to the exchange with fireballs that blasted away from the palms of my hands, Lexi created and launched long fuck-off lances of ice that impaled the chests of those that survived the first barrage.
With the path clear, we made our epic retreat into the elevator, as a second one opened to deliver more bad guys into the action, their devotion to their dark lord was impressive. All three of us hoped they didn’t notice us slip away, if that were the case, they’d be wasting time searching Lexi’s place right about now.
Lexi pushed me aside to face Emily head on, neither of the two seemed to care for the dangerous situation that was looming over us. “The deal was, you get paid when I own the katana.” Lexi pointed at my blade. “She still has it, therefore—”
“Argue about this later,” I said, putting my body between the two. “We need to get out of here.”
My finger went for the ground floor button. Probably not the safest floor to travel to, but what other choice did we have? We needed to get out of here.
Emily flicked my hand away. “Not there, those men killed everyone on their way up.” Emily fingered the parking garage button instead.
“Speaking of killed,” I said as I felt the elevator lower itself. “I thought you were dead.”
“I still got my nine lives.”
“The news said two bodies were pulled from the apartment.”
Emily nodded. “Yeah, the two Russians your boy Jimmy didn’t dispose of.”
Jim… my body filled with optimistic sensations of hope. “Jim’s alive? What happened?”
“There was an ambush similar to the one we just dealt with. Lucifer showed up in his new body. We managed to get out before they torched the whole suite. Barely though, Jim had to check himself into the hospital.”
Jim and Emily being alive was the good news I needed days ago, given the recent turn of events. Lucifer and his followers were packing a lot of fire power, and that wasn’t taking into account any demons he might have within his rank that would have access to talents. Emily’s bravery, and Jim’s connections to the underground world, these were the tools I was going to need to fight this war. Lexi and I couldn’t do this alone.
I snorted and looked up at the elevator’s progress screen above us, we were about to pass by the ground level. I held my breath slightly as my body tensed up, all it took was one of the gunmen in the lobby to request an elevator going down below to force this one to stop and open its doors up to them.
Floor three.
Floor two.
Come on, I need some luck right now.
Floor one.
Keep going, come on!
Basement, fuck yes.
The doors opened, Emily bolted out first into the parking garage as her mudra conjured a fresh supply of flaming throwing daggers into her hands. Her head jerked back and forth while her twitching cat ears scanned for a possible target. I exited next with my katana at my side and saw exactly what Emily saw, nothing but parked cars. I signaled to Lexi to join us while keeping one hand wrapped around the hilt of my sheathed weapon, following Emily and her ninja-like scurry into the garage.
“So, what happened next?” I asked Emily.
“When Lucifer attacked you two at Jim’s safe house.”
We turned the corner and power-walked toward a lone parked car, a black two-door muscle car. I had major doubts Emily acquired the car legally, the loose mess of wires hanging out from the ignition key slot was a dead giveaway. “I followed your advice, Reika; steal something of value from Lexi to make up for the lost payment. I broke into her home, the real one, not this chill out pad. That’s when I found Lucifer’s men inside searching it,” Emily explained as we closed the gap between us and her car. “They discovered the location of this place and made plans to attack; I followed one group here in hopes of getting my reward before they made a mess of the place. You know the rest of the story after that.”
“One group? You mean there’s more?”
“Yeah, they split up, one came here, the other—”
Bullets soared past my legs hitting the concrete ground, sending fragments up into the air. I jerked my head to the source of the missed bullets. Two gunmen hid behind a pillar. One of them peeked around it with his rifle ready to take aim at us once again.
Emily dove to her car and frantically tried to open its door while I countered by hurling fireballs at our ambushers. The distance between us was too great though. My flaming orbs of death lost strength and slowly shrank into marble-sized embers once they arrived at our cowering adversaries. I prepared myself for another attempt, then Lexi tapped my shoulders, directing me to Emily’s car, she got in, our escape was at hand.
Chapter Twenty-Six
“Let’s get outta here!” I shouted upon confirming the three of us were safe and secure inside of Emily’s car.
Emily took the wheel, ignited the monstrous sounding engine, and placed her foot on the pedal. Hard.
Shattered glass rained across our faces, while the bullets that did them in soared above our ducked heads. I wasn’t quite sure what happened afterward, I just felt the power of the car as it sped away, making sharp turns, climbing up ramp after ramp toward the exit of the parking garage. Tires screeched a minute later from behind, and then another set. They weren’t going to let us get away that easy.
I lifted my head up and examined Lexi’s body, no blood or bullet holes. I exhaled in relief, as Emily’s determined face and frantically moving hands placed along the wheel did their thing. I looked through the shattered passenger’s side window, gazing back at the cars our pursuers drove. I felt my hair whip about and my adrenaline reach an intensity I’d never felt during our high-speed rush.
“Turn us back around,” Lexi demanded of Emily, then faced me. “Reika, I want you to kill them.”
I nodded to her like the loyal and obedient person her powers demanded. Emily’s disapproving frown appeared from the corner of my eye.
“Let’s not, and say we did,” Emily said while ensuring our getaway car was in the lead of the race to freedom.
We made our escape into the evening streets of New York seconds before red and blue siren lights arrived at the condo. Scores of ambulances and fire trucks rolled past us one by one with God knows how many police cars. All three of us hoped nobody took notice that our windows had been shot out by guns.
“Took them long enough,” I commented at the emergency vehicles piling up at the condo.
“Lucifer’s second team must have struck then,” Emily said. “Pretty sure every law enforcement and emergency vehicle are active right now.”
I reached for the radio controls and switched about until local news began to play. The report went on to talk about unconfirmed reports of gun fire, explosions at the condo we just fled from, then mentioned that minutes before those reports came in, that armed gunmen stormed Lenox Hill Hospital, shooting the place up and taking hostages.
My face cringed at the news report. “The hospital…”
“Ugh that’s second team, they’re probably trying to finish the job,” Emily said.
“That job being?”
“Your buddy Jim.” Another ambulance sped past us. The gunmen must have shot the whole security team on the main floor. “His wounds required him to stay there, maybe they found out.”
“No,” Lexi’s voice spoke from behind us. “
That hospital is the staging point for the invasion.”
I licked my lips and snorted. “Schubert.”
Lexi sighed. “The quake was the doing of demonic magic; the intention was to injure a large mass of people that would require blood transfusions.”
I slapped the palms of my two hands across my face. “Oh, my fucking God…”
“There was a reason they chose to force the quake during the concert,” Lexi said. “It was to increase the number of casualties and increase the number of souls they’ll be able to contaminate. If Lucifer’s faction is besieging the hospital, then they pushed their plans ahead. Lucifer is preparing for the final phase, mass possession. He and his faction are there to receive their demonic soldiers from the Umbral.”
I moaned dejectedly and began the complex task of trying to put my next words together so that they would come out… properly. Lexi just revealed to the two of us she knew what was brewing in the background. My emotional attachment to her was starting to fizzle away as quickly as it grew.
“When were you planning on telling me that?” I asked Lexi. She gave me a face that had fuck you all over it. Okay, we’re going to play that game, huh? “Answer me!”
“I’m sorry,” Lexi said, and tried to caress my face.
That was until Emily jammed the point of her dagger toward Lexi’s face, stopping her instantly. “Sit your ass back down, you succubus whore,” Emily demanded, keeping her eyes on the road.
The volume of my voice increased. “Emily!”
“I wasn’t born yesterday, more like five centuries ago,” Emily said. “I know exactly what’s going on.”
“And what might that be?”